Conteúdo Programático



M. Jacquemet: PPT1

A. Jaffe: PPT1

C. Briggs: PPT1 Handout 1


A. Jaffe: PPT 2 Handout 1

M. Jacquemet: PPT2

C. Briggs: PPT2Vídeo


C. Briggs: Textos para o workshop – Texto 1 Texto 2 Texto 3 Texto 4 Texto 5 Texto 6

Instruções para Análise de Mídia

M. Jacquemet: Workshop Exercise

A. Jaffe: PPT3Handout 2


M. Jacquemet: PPT 3

Referências sugeridas pelos professores visitantes


A. Jaffe: PPT 4

C. Briggs: PPT 3 Texto 7 Texto 8

M. Jacquemet: PPT 4


M. Jacquemet: PPT 5

A. Jaffe: Handout 3

C. Briggs: PPT 4


C. Briggs: PPT 5

A. Jaffe: PPT 5


M. Jacquemet: PPT 6


I. Signorini: Sessão Final EAE



MÓDULO 1 (11h) – Marco JACQUEMET (University of San Francisco)

Unit 1: Language and Globalization
We will begin this workshop by discussing the communicative mutations resulting from the intersection between mobile people and mobile texts. Human mobility and global communications are transforming the communicative environment of late modernity. Until recently the majority of linguistic studies of this environment tended to focus on the worst possible linguistic outcomes of globalization: linguistic imperialism, endangered languages, and language death. We will discuss how the experience of cultural globalization and the sociolinguistic disorder it entails cannot be understood solely through a dystopic vision of linguistic catastrophe. We must also take into account language mixing, hybridization, and creolization. After reviewing the literature on language and globalization and addressing critical issues in this field, we will explore social and communicative mutations resulting from globalization—and, in particular, from the combined forces of mobile people and global media. Using communicative data from the Mediterranean region, we will problematize the concept of “communicative environment,” which can no longer be restricted to its default parameters (focused, monolingual, and face-to-face), but should also account for communicative practices based on multilingual talk (most of the time exercised by de/reterritorialized speakers) channeled through both local interactions and digital media.

Unit 2: Media Idioms and Texts in a Globalized World
In this unit, we will explore the communicative practices of social groups that use different languages and communicative codes simultaneously in a range of various media technologies. Sophisticated technologies for global communication have a transformative impact on the communicative environments of late modernity. From mobile telephony to the Internet, these technologies are shaping an interactive space characterized by language mixing, hybridization, and syncretic communicative practices. We will review the related concepts of mediation/mediatization and address the impact of new media’s technological affordances on languages. In addition, we will discuss how the communicative conditions of late modernity give rise to communicative practices based on talk channeled through both local and global media..

Unit 3: De/reterritorialized speakers: migrants, asylum-seekers, refugees
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people leave their home countries to seek better conditions elsewhere. This mobility produces multiple linguistic and cultural complexities. In this unit, we will address the concept of superdiversity, investigate the sociolinguistics of global mobility, and focus on issues of justice and social change. In particular, we will analyze one of the most complex adjudication procedures of late modernity: the procedure through which asylum-seekers’ claims are examined by judicial authorities. We will discuss how these procedures are fraught with unexamined assumptions about language, national identity, and communicative competence— assumptions that can lead to violations of the asylum seekers’ human rights.


MÓDULO 2 (11h) – Alexandra Jaffe (California State University, Long Beach)

Unity 1: Trajectories
a) Textual: processes of en-, de- and recontextualization across different domains of practice
b) Goods and people, and how they both are “emplaced” and moved across (defined) spaces through texts and other semiotic media.

Unity 2: School-based research
a) Survey and Focus Group: imagined mobility and language choice among Corsican middle and high school students:
b) Ethnographic: Stance-taking and stance-attribution in situated classroom practice

Unity 3: Authenticity and Authority
a) as related to linguistic and semiotic practices in tourist contexts: “traditional” vs. “new” or “transactional”authenticities in the context of globalization.
b) Mediation and mediatization in the representation of languages, dialects and speakers in the media.


MÓDULO 3 (11h) – Charles L. BRIGGS (University of California, Berkeley)

Unity 1: Models of (Im)Mobility in Discourse
Impact of basic models of language and discourse in shaping how we can pose questions of mobility, particularly Saussure, Peirce, Cooley, and Austin. Silverstein’s emphasis on indexicality and on the metapragmatics/pragmatic distinction. Finally, perspectives that place issues of mobility and immobility at the center by prompting consideration of poetics: Voloshinov, Bakhtin, Bauman & Briggs 1990.

Unity 2: From Media to Mediatization
In both celebratory and critical stories of modernity, media are often constructed as automatically imbuing discourse with mobility. Nevertheless, scholars share many of the foundational media ideologies that underlie the (re)production of subjects, objects, affects, and ethics in contemporary society. How can we unthink these presuppositions? A basic point of departure is Martín-Barbero’s insistence that we must give up “the media” and “communication” as analytic points of departure to grasp how they are constructed. Walter Benjamin, Stuart Hall, and Gilles Deleuze help us rethink issues of media and technology. Richard Bauman, Asif Agha, and Deborah Spitulnik propose linguistic anthropological frameworks for analyzing media. The goal here is less to study “the media,” than to reflect on the challenges that emerge in analyzing contemporary mobilities and immobilities through discourse-centered lenses.

Unity 3: Communicability and “Merely Methodological” Puzzles
Problems remain. If mediatization extends far beyond the borders of “the media,” what are the limits of textual analysis in grasping it? How can ethnography cope with the scope and complexity of global mediatization? What can linguistics and linguistic anthropology add to this heavily populated research area? Seeing how assumptions and analytical boundaries are made—rather than being trapped by them—requires engagement with particular mediatizing practices. Taking the mediatization of violence and medicine as foci, we will collectively examine how these objects are co-produced by media and other professionals and laypersons in a range of sites and how subject positions are constructed, in part, vis-à-vis models of communicability. Being cast as a producer of biomedical knowledge or as having failed to understand it or as possessing experimental, evidence-based models of crime versus forming one of the bodies whose relationship to violence is counted produces important material and political consequences.

SESSÕES PLENÁRIAS (06h) – Marco Jacquemet, Charles Briggs e Alexandra Jaffe
a) Sínteses
b) Discussão com grupos de pesquisa locais


JACQUEMET, M. Transidiomatic practices: Language and power in the age of globalization. Language & Communication, Volume 25, Issue 3, July 2005, pp. 257-277. (Link)

JACQUEMET, M. Asylum and superdiversity: The search for denotational accuracy during asylum hearings. Language & Communication, In Press, Available online 6 January 2015. (Link)

JACQUEMET, M. Language in the Age of Globalization. In: Bonvillain, N. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology. London: Routledge (no prelo) (Link)

JAFFE, A. Multilingual Citizenship and Minority Languages. In: Martin-Jones, M.; Blackledge, A. Creese, A. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism. London: Routledge, 2012, p. 83-99. (Link)

JAFFE, A. Stance in a Corsican School: Institutional and Ideological Orders and the Production of Bilingual Subjects. In: Jaffe, A. (ed.) Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 119-144 (cap. 6) (Link)

JAFFE, A. Critical Perspectives on Language-in-Education Policy: The Corsican Example. In: McCarty, T. (ed.) Ethnography and Language Policy. London: Routledge, 2011, p. 205-230. (Link)

JAFFE, A. Diverse Voices, Public Broadcasts: Sociolinguistic Representations in Mainstream Programming.In: Upron, C. & Davies, B. (eds.) Analyzing 21st-Century British English: Conceptual and Methodological Aspects of the BBC ‘Voices’ Project. New York: Routledge, 2003. (Link)

JAFFE, A. Sociolinguistic diversity in mainstream media: Authenticity, authority and processes of mediation and mediatization. Journal of Language and Politics 10:4 , 562–586, 2011b. (Link)

WALTON, S. & JAFFE, A. Stuff White People Like: Stance, class, race and internet commentary. In: Thurlow, C. & Mroszek, K. (ed.) Language in the New Media: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011c. (Link)

BRIGGS, C. (2007a) Anthropology, interviewing, and communicability in contemporary society. Current Anthropology 48(4):551-580. (Link)

BRIGGS, C. (2007b) Mediating infanticide: Theorizing relations between narrative and violence. Cultural Anthropology 22(3):315-356. (Link)

BRIGGS, C. Communicability, racial discourse and disease. Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 34:269-291, October 2005. (Link)