
Mídia, Discurso, Tecnologia e Sociedade

Media, Discourse, Technology and Society

MiDiTeS is a group dedicated to the study of technology in its interfaces with society. We study language as a technological process that transforms itself as it interacts within the different technological, social and discursive ecosystems. Our research covers several perspectives, including Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Corpus, Media activism, Transliteracies and Media Education.

PPG-LA student members

Terezinha Marcondes Diniz Biazi

Terezinha Biazi

I am PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics at IEL/UNICAMP and I hold a Masters in English from UFSC. I am a lecturer in the English Course at UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, Paraná. My research interests are Languages and Technologies, Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, Teacher Training and Open Education.

Karen Tank Mercuri Macedo

Karen Macedo

I am a PhD Candidate in Applied Linguistics at IEL/UNICAMP. I hold a Master in Applied Human and Social Sciences from UNICAMP and a Degree in Computer Technology and Degree in Portuguese and English. My research is related to linchamentos virtuais, or hate actions on the virtual world with consequences in the actual life.

Marco Túlio Pena Câmara

PhD Candidate in Applied Linguistics at UNICAMP. I hold a Master in Language Studies from CEFET-MG, and a degree in Journalism from the Federal University of Viçosa. My research are Journalism, Media Activism, Discourse Analysis, Media, and Digital Social Media.

Isadora Silva Pimenta

I am PhD candidate and MA in Applied Linguistics at UNICAMP. I hold a Master in Applied Linguistics and BA in Journalism PUCCAMP. I am currently Interested in media discourse, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Appraisal System for the analysis of the media discourse regarding racism in football.

Catia Silene Camara Lassalvia

I am professional in the field of communication, and both my career and my interests have been multidisciplinary. I hold a Master in Social Sciences (USP) and bachelor in Communication from Cásper Líbero. I am currently a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics, at Unicamp / IEL. My main research interests are digital culture, communication, technology, society and lifelong education

Maristella Gabardo 

I hold a master in Linguistics from UFPR, and a degree in Portuguese / Spanish and English also from the UFPR. I am currently a professor of Spanish at á (IFPR). I am interested in discussions related to literacy, technology, education, multimodalities and media education.