Marcelo El Khouri Buzato

Marcelo Buzato

I am currently the head of the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics at Unicamp and coordinator of the “Transdisciplinary Dialogues in Language Studies” project. Since my doctoral research project (2007), I have been interested in digital literacies and digital inclusion in Brazil, which I have approached through the operational concepts of “network” and “border”. This has led me to conceive of digital literacies as forms of cultural translation/hybridization between technoscience and everyday life, which I eventually extended to the idea of the digitally literate citizen as an actor-network, through the works of new materialists such as Bruno Latour, at first, and, later, as a cyborg, through discussions around posthumanism in literary theory and social science. I am presently interested in the dialogical relations between quantitative and qualitative perspectives to reality in ordinary people’s literacies, as brought forward by the datafication of daily life through social media, artificial intelligence and the internet of things. This connects with posthumanism in the sense that matter and discourse, or body and informational pattern, have become a dialectic that permeates social life and social discourses with important effects on subjectivities, and, consequently, on education, politics and ethics.