General information
The V Congresso Internacional de Linguística Histórica (International Conference on Philology and Diachronic Linguistics), V CILH – will take place online, starting on July 19, 2021. The V CILH will be also an opportunity to pay homage to two outstanding linguists that helped crucially to the development of Historical Linguistics in Brazil: Mary Kato and Charlotte Galves.
Our virtual structure is composed of two environments:
(1) this official website and
(2) the auxiliary website (, where the activities of the event will take place: abstract submission, registration, access to the detailed program and to the presentation rooms.
The conference will include conferences, communication sessions, poster sessions, workshops and short courses. We welcome papers related to one of our six great thematic areas:
- Textual criticism, text editing and digital humanities;
- Theoretical linguistics;
- Linguistic change, contact and language acquisition;
- Lexicon;
- Sociolinguistics, dialectology and social history;
- Linguistic historiography, literature and culture.
Important dates
- September 28 – December 21, 2020: Submission of abstracts
- Until February 15, 2021: List of approved papers
- From March 1 – April 30, 2021: Registration and enrolment in short courses
How to participate
Choose your type of work: oral presentation or poster. Oral presentations are also eligible for submission in one of the 14 workshops offered (see list further below). The accepted languages are: English, Spanish, Galician or Portuguese; in the case of abstracts in a language in which you are not proficient, we kindly suggest it to be reviewed by a copyeditor.
You can submit a work as an author, and up to 4 as a co-author. The maximum number of authors submitting the same work is 5 people.
Attention! Review your text before submitting it – within 7 days after its upload, it will be sent to the referees.
To present your abstract, follow these rules:
- Title, keywords, and text must fit on the first page;
- The second page can be used for references, and optionally for examples, graphs, tables or figures that complement the text;
- Text organization:
- Title (in bold and capital letters)
- Author’s name, followed by his/her institution in parentheses
- Keywords (3 to 5 elements)
- Text (500 to 600 words: must include objectives, methodology / theoretical framework, results and conclusion)
- References must follow the Chicago format
Check the template here (link)
- Text formatting:
- Layout: A4 Page, with margins of 2.5cm on all sides
- Font: Times New Roman, Size 12
- Paragraph: Single Spacing
- Two files must be sent, one anonymized, i.e. without the name of the author (s) below the title and without their identification in the file settings, and the other with author information and his/her institution;
- The files must be in PDF, DOC or DOCX format, with 2 MB of maximum size each.
How to submit an abstract
1) Visit the website
2) Click on LOGIN button in the upper right corner of the page
3) On the next page, choose how to enter the system: via your Facebook profile; or via email and password (if you have used the even3 platform before, insert the data, if not, click on Cadastre-se (Register):
4) Once your profile is registered, you shall see at the top of the page “Área do Participante” (Participant area). Click on “Submissões” (Submissions) in the menu on the left
5) Click on “Submeter” (Submit)
6) Select the type of work (“Comunicação oral” – oral presentation – or “Pôster” – poster) from the menu that appears at the top of the page
7) Then fill out the form with the required information: In “Área Temática” choose the thematic area or workshop your work fits in (only for oral presentations) and in “Título” type the title of your work. Also upload the requested files (“Trabalho identificado” – file with author identification and “Trabalho não identificado” – file with the anonymized abstract). Then select the author(s), identify who is going to be the work presenter, and check the box at the bottom “Declaro que li e estou de acordo com as regras de submissão” (I declare that I have read and agree with the submission rules). Finally, click on “Submeter” (Submit) at the bottom of the page;
8) You will receive an email with a receipt of your submission in your email address. Good luck!
How to register and how to enroll in short courses
(Information will be provided here when registration opens)
List of workshops
WS1 – Textual Criticism and Text Editing: dialogues with Corpus Linguistics
WS2 – Textual Criticism, Paleography and Digital Humanities: perspectives of work
WS3 – Comparative Syntax in the 21st century (workshop description in English)
WS4 – Universals and Variation in Semantics and Pragmatics (workshop description in English)
WS5 – Morphology and its interfaces
WS6 – Historical Phonology and Diachronic Phonology
WS7 – Models for the study of syntactic change: what they consist of, how they are applied and what are their advantages
WS8 – Linguistic contact and L2 acquisition
WS9 – Discursive tradition: an interconnected look at the historicity of language and text
WS10 – Etymology: between Philology, Historical Linguistics and Lexicography
WS11 – Onomastics and contributions to linguistics from a historical perspective
WS12 – Sociolinguistics and Social History
WS13 – Challenges and reverberations of dialectological studies in Brazil in the 21st century
WS14 – Historiographies of linguistic change in Brazil
List of short courses (to be given in Portuguese, unless indicated)
SC1 – The identification of unskillful hands in manuscripts of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries
SC2 – Philology: the manipulation of historical collections
SC3 – The presence of morphology in Portuguese dictionaries
SC4 – Diachronic syntax (in English)
SC5 – Topics on Semantics: the grammar of Brazilian Portuguese
SC6 – African languages and Portuguese in Brazil: new perspectives on contact dynamics
SC7 – Galician and its relationship with contiguous languages (in Galician)
SC8 – Endangered Romance Languages: Ladino and Francoprovençal
SC9 – Introduction to Historical Sociolinguistics
SC10 – Methodology of Dialectal research
SC11 – History of Linguistics and linguistic historiographies
SC12 – Classical Greek and Latin: variation, norm and linguistic contact in ancient grammar